Month: October 2021
Beforetimes: The Lostling

The second prequel short story in this series is “The Lostling” in which tiny young Hyrhyn crosses paths with an unhappy stranger in the rainy winter forest. Her loneliness and compassion unknowingly set in motion events that will end the decades-long war between the beleaguered King and his bellicose sister, the Mother.
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These four short Beforetimes stories are about what happened before the opening pages of Book I, and are available on this website for free.
Each prequel story introduces main characters of Afterlands and reveals events leading to the end of the Continent’s twenty-year war between the King and his sister’s cult of “the Mother”. They are not required reading, but supplement the series.
The first full Afterlands novella (Book I) will be available December 18, 2021.
[Please keep in mind that Beforetimes tales may be dark as they all occur well before the “dawn”. This one is mostly tooth-rotting fluff, however.]