Posted in Novellas

Afterlands: After the Harrowing (Book I)

Hyrhyn is determined to reunite with her Beloved no matter where it takes her, even into the heart of the Harrowing! What she and Laria find there will change their lives forever in ways they could never predict.

Juba and Nix are free for the first time in their lives. What will they do with their freedom? And can the four of these disparate souls find new peace and purpose in their collapsing world?

After the Harrowing is Book I in the Afterlands novella series and currently available only from Amazon KDP.

Order your digital or print copy HERE!

Posted in Beforetimes

Beforetimes: The Imperator

The fourth and final short story in the Beforetimes series is “The Imperator” in which Laria, accepting that the decades-long conflict is over, relinquishes her rank and sets off to reconcile what the war has brought them to. A bonus Epilogue brings the Beforetimes to a close and sets the stage for Afterlands: After the Harrowing, a novella to be released December 18, 2021.

The four short stories about what happened before the opening pages of After the Harrowing are presented on this website and will remain here for free.

Each story highlights main characters of Afterlands and reveals events leading to the end of the Continent’s war between the King and his sister’s cult of “the Mother”.

8.3k words. Click format to read now:

[Please keep in mind that Beforetimes tales may be dark as they all occur before the “dawn”. This story isn’t scary at all, though. I promise.]