Category: Novellas
Afterlands: Into the After (Book IV)
However much Hyrhyn and Juba would like the Shore to be their haven, its people have other plans.
Nobody is safe when a Shore Confederacy arrives, bringing Law and setting the stage for a new power structure on the Continent. They could stay and fight for their nascent home, but haven’t we all had enough of war?
Into the After is Book IV in the Afterlands novella series and will be available only from Amazon KDP on July 1, 2023.
Pre-order your digital or print copy HERE!

Afterlands: After the Children (Book III)

Nix’s children are dead and Laria wants to help him through his grief, but hope itself is as stubborn as Nix.
Hyrhyn and Juba have built a life—and a ship—to take them away. But there’s still unfinished business for all of them.
What will they find on their first excursion together away from the relative safety of the Shore? Or who?
After the Children is Book III in the Afterlands novella series and currently available only from Amazon KDP.
Order your digital or print copy HERE!
[This novella contains mildly sensitive material including adult disassociation related to past sexual trauma, references to child slavery, and children in peril.]Afterlands: After the Return (Book II)

Tensions in the town of Whiptail ratchet up after a hard season of bad weather, famine, and strange bodies washed up on the beach.
Hyrhyn, Laria, Juba, and Nix must face these challenges and a new enterprise that tests the bonds of their tenuous friendship. Will they ever find safety and happiness so long as there is a Harrower among them?
After the Return is Book II in the Afterlands novella series and currently available only from Amazon KDP.
Order your digital or print copy HERE!
Afterlands: After the Harrowing (Book I)

Hyrhyn is determined to reunite with her Beloved no matter where it takes her, even into the heart of the Harrowing! What she and Laria find there will change their lives forever in ways they could never predict.
Juba and Nix are free for the first time in their lives. What will they do with their freedom? And can the four of these disparate souls find new peace and purpose in their collapsing world?
After the Harrowing is Book I in the Afterlands novella series and currently available only from Amazon KDP.
Order your digital or print copy HERE!